Thread count is an indicator for Hong Kong customers when buying bedding products. The higher the thread count, the higher the density of yarns and hence softer and smoother the texture. However, did anyone ever have doubt as to why the texture of the products claimed to have 2,000 or 3,000 threads might not be as soft as imaged?
Casablanca will help you to solve all thread count paradox and demonstrate what is real thread count index, so that you can make a wise choice when purchasing genuinely quality bedding products and avoid being misled by “high thread count”.
甚麼是針數? What is thread count?
床品針數是指床品所用布料紗線的密度,等於經紗與緯紗的總數。當紗線數量越多表示紗線排列密度越高、觸感越順滑。例如一片床單面料以10cm x 10cm來計算,經紗500條紗、緯紗300條紗,即代表該床單共800針;而若經紗750條紗、緯紗450條紗,該床單就可稱共1200針針數。
Thread count of bedding products refers to the density of yarns of the clothes used in the bedding products, which represents the total number of warp and weft yarns. The higher the number of yarn, the higher the density of yarn arrangement and hence smoother the texture. For instance, for a piece of 10cm x 10cm fabric of bed sheet, there are 500 warp yarns and 300 weft yarns, which means the bed sheet comprises a total of 800 threads. However, if there are 750 warp yarns and 450 weft yarns, the bed sheet will comprise a total of 1,200 threads.
多少針數的床品方可稱為優質? How many thread counts shall qualify as quality bedding product?
The bedding products in the market offer consumers with various number of thread count for selection. Generally, for every 10cm of fabric, bedding product with 780 threads or above shall qualify as quality products, those with 1,100 threads or above shall qualify as top quality products, and those with 1,600 threads or above shall qualify as premium products. Moreover, the finer the fibre of yarns, the finer the texture will be resulted, and hence able to provide an extremely soft and smooth skin-to-skin sleeping experience.
針數越高,就代表床品布料越細密柔滑嗎? The higher the thread count means the softer and smoother the fabric of bedding product?
According to traditional calculation methods, the higher the thread count indeed means denser the yarn arrangement and hence smoother and softer the texture. However, there are now various ways to illustrate thread count in the market, which may easily create illusion to consumers. The difference lies in the unit used to illustrate the thread count may increase the number of thread count by multiple times. For instance, the thread count of 2,500 threads per 10 inch is higher than that of 984 threads per 10cm, where difference between the thread counts shown exceeds 2.5 times. However, the fabrics were actually made up of the same number of yarns. The former simply used every 10 inch instead of every 10 cm used by the latter one as the unit to increase the number of thread count and make it more attractive in numbers.
怎樣區分不同品牌的針數計算方法? How to differentiate the calculation methods of thread count
used by different brands?
When purchasing bedding products, you may check the unit of thread count printed on the packaging to see whether it is calculated by every 10cm or other units. For your reference, 10cm can be translated into 3.937 inch. Take Casablanca as an example, the packaging of products from all our series will clearly state “specific thread count/10cm” so that customers can clearly understand the calculation method used by Casablanca’s bedding products and choose the ideal quality bedding products they truly desire.
為甚麼市面上有些床品標示針數過千針, 卻於觸感上大有差別? Why some of the bedding products in the market claimed
to have over 1,000 threads but there is huge difference in their texture?
Currently, the Hong Kong market generally uses every 10cm for calculating thread count. However, in recent years, certain brands in the market or online used every 6 square inch or every 10 square inch to multiply the thread count to attract consumers. As such, a bedding product with only over 600 threads/10cm originally may claim it has over 1,000 threads, and consumers may find the texture incompatible to and different from their expectations. Therefore, apart from the number of thread count, Casablanca also recommends consumers to pay attention to the unit after the thread count, so that you can make wise purchase and will not be easily misled.
Certainly, if you are not familiar with the translation method of thread count, you are recommended to have real touch of the fabric directly and ask the staff more questions when purchasing your bedding products. You should also consider your lifestyle and sleeping habit when choosing the fabric materials of bedding product so that you can purchase the most suitable bedding product.
The thread count of Casablanca’s bedding products from all series has been verified by The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Limited (STC) or CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories (CMA), thereby providing genuine confidence and guarantee for quality for our consumers.