歡迎光臨本網站。 請務必仔細閱讀本文件中包含的條款及細則,因為任何使用本網站意即表示閣下已接受在此列出的條款及細則,並同意 及遵守下列用以約束卡撒天嬌香港有限公司與閣下使用此網站有關之條款及細則、免責聲明、版權通告及私隱政策,並受上述各項所約束。


Welcome to our website. Your access to the website is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with all the terms and conditions, disclaimers, copyright notices and privacy policy herein, which serve to govern the relationship between Casablanca Hong Kong Limited and you.

The terms “Casablanca”, “Group”, “Company”, “us” and “we” refer to the owner and operator of this website. The term “you” refers to the user, visitor or viewer of this website.

The use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions:

本網站及其內容只供 閣下提供一般資訊及為 閣下作個人用途,並會不時更改而不作另行通知。




This website and its contents are for your general information and personal use only. It is subject to change from time to time without prior notice.

The pages and contents of this website contain materials which are owned by or licensed to us. These materials include but are not limited to text, design, layout and visual and graphical appearance. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms an integral part of these terms and conditions.

Casablanca and all concerned parties own the trade name, trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this website. These shall not be used without our written permission given either jointly or severally as the case may be. Materials on this website are in all aspects protected by copyright and all rights pertaining thereto. No permission or authorization is granted to you or anyone acting on your behalf to modify, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, transmit, copy, distribute or use in any other way for commercial or public purposes without our prior written consent.

Unauthorized use of this website may give rise to claims for damages including but not limited to all economic loss suffered by us pertaining at the time and future and/or subject to criminal sanction.


本網站可能含有第三方網站之連結。這些連結僅為方便 閣下提供更多資訊,並不表示(不論明示或默示)本公司認可所連接的網站或這些網站上提供的任何產品、服務或陳述。當 閣下進入該等連結網站時,本公司與 閣下之任何法律關係即告終止,而法律關係只存在於閣下與該等連結網站兩者之間。

在未有獲得本公司事先之書面同意, 閣下不得在其他作商業用途的文件上或網站加入本網站之連結。



本公司並不會就本網站所找到或提供作任何具體用途的資訊及材料之準確性、時效、性能、可靠性、完整性或恰當性作出任何擔保或保證。 閣下明白,該等資訊及材料或會不準確或出錯,於法律所容許的情況下,本公司明確豁免對本段所述的錯誤或不準確負上之法律責任。

閣下運用本網站內任何內容時,其一切風險須由 閣下自行承擔,本公司概不負責。 閣下亦要自行負責確保從本網站所取得的任何服務、產品或資訊符合閣下特定的需求。

本公司概不保證或聲明 閣下瀏覽本網站時將會不受到任何接收間斷或不會出現錯誤問題;亦不保證或聲明 閣下通過本網站所取得之內容或其他材料並無電腦病毒、缺陷或其他有害組件成份。



只有當 閣下承認本網站為內容之來源, 便可將內容複製至獨立第三方作為其個人使用。


除非事先得到本公司之書面准許,否則 閣下不得將其內容散播或作商業利用,也不得將內容傳輸或儲存在任何其他網站或其他形式之電子檢索系統。

Our website may contain links to third parties’ websites. These links are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or impliedly, or in any way that would constitute an endorsement by us for any of the linked websites or the products, services or representation provided and made at those sites. We will cease to have any legal relationship with you once you have entered into the linked websites. The only parties having the legal relationship will be between you and the linked websites.

You should not create a link to this website from another website or document for commercial use, without our prior written consent.

Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People’s Republic of China and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts.

We use our best endeavours to update and maintain the accuracy of the contents of this website. We do not take responsibility for, and will not be liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, errors, misstatements in respect of all contents, or for economic or any other loss which may be directly or indirectly claimed to be sustained or sustained by any viewer/visitor to this website or any other person who obtains access to this website.

We do not provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, reliability, performance, completeness or suitability of the contents found or offered in this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such contents may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent so far as permitted by law.

Your use of any contents in this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your sole responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements.

We do not warrant or represent that your access to the website will be uninterrupted or error-free or that any contents accessible in connection with this website will be free of computer viruses, bugs or other harmful components.

All intellectual properties contained in this website including its contents are either owned by us or licensed to us. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only.

You may copy the contents to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge this website as the source of such contents.

We reserve the rights to change the contents contained herein from time to time without notice.

You may not, except with our prior written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the contents, nor may you transmit or store the contents in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.



If there are any unscrupulous parties putting up fake websites on the Internet using the name of or names not identical but similar to Casablanca, Casablanca Hong Kong Limited is not directly or indirectly related to these fraudulent websites and the Operators, who are operating the websites misrepresenting itself as associated or related to the Group.


卡撒天嬌官方網站為www.casablanca.com.hk。請參閱此官方網站內之「聯絡我們」部分,以取得卡撒天嬌之聯絡資訊。 如果閣下對本政策有任何疑問,請郵寄至香港新界火炭黄竹洋街9-13號仁興中心5樓辦公室或電郵至info@casablanca-home.com與我們聯繫。



Casablanca's official website is "www.casablanca.com.hk". Please refer to the footer of this official website to obtain the contact information of Casablanca.

If you have queries about this policy, please write to the registered office at 5/F Yan Hing Centre, 9-13 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong or email us at info@casablanca-home.com.

Casablanca reserves the rights to change the terms and conditions as contained herein from time to time without prior notice.

In case of any inconsistencies or conflicts between the English version and version(s) of other language(s), the English version shall prevail.

© 2018 卡撒天嬌香港有限公司保留所有版權及權利。© 2018 Casablanca Hong Kong Limited. All Rights Reserved.    |    條款及細則 T&C